Gazprom the winner as opportunity opens for more Russian gas supplies to China

Ramping up Sila Sibiri 1 to contractual rate may pave way for Moscow and Beijing to agree on a larger, long-discussed contract

With the Sila Sibiri 1 pipeline between Russia and China finally complete this week, the door is now open for Gazprom to send through the maximum contracted volume of gas, and for the two governments to agree on a larger, long-discussed contract.
With the Sila Sibiri 1 pipeline between Russia and China finally complete this week, the door is now open for Gazprom to send through the maximum contracted volume of gas, and for the two governments to agree on a larger, long-discussed contract.UPSTREAM/RYTIS DAUKANTAS
Published 22 November 2024, 10:07Updated 27 November 2024, 10:54
RussiaChinaSila SibiriGazpromCNPC