'Cowardly murder of dozens of defenceless people': Mozambique reports death toll from Palma attack

Ministry of Defence statement offers little detail as government clamps down on information flow from restive Cabo Delgado province after attack near LNG construction site

Fishermen wait at their boats at the port of Paquitequete near Pemba on 29 March 2021. Sailing boats are expected to arrive with people displaced from the coasts of Palma and Afungi after suffering attacks by armed groups
Fishermen wait at their boats at the port of Paquitequete near Pemba on 29 March 2021. Sailing boats are expected to arrive with people displaced from the coasts of Palma and Afungi after suffering attacks by armed groupsPhoto: AFP/SCANPIX
Published 29 March 2021, 11:12Updated 29 March 2021, 19:01